Roadside Architecture

Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 2: Tennessee

Quite miserable weather-wise. It rained most of the day but I kept shooting. The forecast for the next couple days looks much better. The dogs got tons of exercise today as I found a couple of huge and wonderful places for them to romp between downpours. In the morning, a rest area off I-40 that had a huge area with hills and trees. And, even better, in the afternoon in Nashville, we stumbled upon an abandoned golf course. The following doggie shots are from there. Nik in a "down" on a tarp or rolled up golf green of some sort. He's the athlete and circus dog of the family at this point. I can send him anywhere, with "out" and "way out", left and right directionals, "hup" to jumps things, and "table" to lay down on things. He'll do ANYthing for his ballies and LOVES to run.


Gremlin demonstrates her interpretation of the begging trick. This is one of the mandatory tricks of all my family members. Grem's version is with her left paw tucked into her body and sort of waving her right paw around. All dogs do it slightly differently.


Grem made a grand discovery at the golf course: some sort of animal skull. This is her exhibiting self control ("leave it!") and fatigue. And note attached to her collar is a 50 foot long line. She has taken off on me too many times, full tilt to nowhere, so we are doing lots of recall training.


Grem and Grip take turns in my lap for interstate driving. Here's an overhead shot (yes, taken while driving). That's my boob, which Grem is using to support her head, and my lap below. I love the fangs in this shot.


OK -- moving on to some of today's sights...

The Oarsman -- a neat bit of public art in Knoxville:


A couple shots from a Gulf station in Harriman. I've never seen a truck with these embossed signs before. And a neat old truck.


Also in Harriman - an example of why I travel as much as I can and squeeze as much shooting in per day as I can. This is all that's left of a great Robo Car Wash. It broke my heart to see it gone. You would pull into the bay and a machine would circle around and clean your car on this track:


See this page for a photo of what the place looked like in 2005:

Another nicely-preserved Robo Wash in Patchogue, NY at the bottom of this page:


On a slightly happier note, here are a couple of neglected survivors:

This "See Rock City" sign stands mostly obscured by trees and below road-level in Cookeville. It's hard to tell from this photo but it's billboard-sized but square:


This Cookeville cowboy sign surely won't be around much longer. The lot behind him is a huge pile of dirt now. I don't know if he was originally a metal sign (replaced with plastic) or what he advertised. The construction leads me to believe that the top part of the sign revolved.


A couple more shots in the rain from Cookeville. Trains and depots are not normally something I photo (I have enough topics at my website already!) but these were awfully nice. The depot is on the National Register of Historic Places and has a little museum inside now.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day 1: Virginia

And we're off! This will truly be an adventure: 43 grueling days of driving from sun up to sundown (and sometimes more than that), with four feisty dogs, tracking down roadside goodies. It'll be fun... but it'll be a physical challenge as well. I'm wiped out already as I only got a 1.5 hour nap last night between work and a full day of driving & picture-taking. So I'll keep this brief and give you more photos than words...

If you are new to my blog -- basically, I use this forum as a place to throw misc. photos that don't fit in with my website categories (or aren't nice enough for some reason). It's a chance to recap my day and share the ups and downs of my longer roadtrips. I hope you enjoy traveling along with us and welcome your comments. Keep in mind that these postings are written at the end of very long days and I apologize for any grammatical errors or incoherencies.

On with the show! Let's start with a few signs.

I love these "OK" used car signs which are pretty rare now. Although the neon's gone on this one in Winchester, the owners still keep it nicely painted:


From a great old hardware store in Front Royal. I've seen other plastic Stihl chainsaw signs but this one seems older than most.


A great atomic detail from a laundry sign from Winchester. I assume those little dots flashed (hey, maybe they still do!):


This nice mix of painted and neon signage in Harrisonburg might not be around too much longer: the building is vacant:


It's important to have good road snacks on these grips and this place was one of the highlights of the day. Route 11 Chips in Middletown focuses on potato chips and manufactures them on the premises (you can watch through the glass windows). Tough to chooses between all the flavors -- I went with "Mama Zuma's Chile Enchilada" (great, not too spicy, thick and crunchy; the dogs give it a paws up as well) and "Sour Cream & Chives" (haven't tried yet).
Here's their website:

You can see snow in the photo - luckily, that didn't last long. I can take photos fine in the rain (with my cardboard shield) but nothing you can do about snowflakes.


Here are a couple roadside relics --

a former theatre in Mount Jackson:


and from Waynesboro - a train bridge to nowhere now:


I have to sneak in one photo of one of my "kids". This is 'Nik alerting me to the fact that I'm not drinking my Diet Coke fast enough. Boink-boink-boink because he's not allowed to grab it himself. I usually give him my empty bottle to play with for awhile when I'm done. He immediately strips off the cap, then the red ring and chomps on the plastic top til it's a blob. Then he insists I throw it for awhile. Yes, while I'm driving, I hurl it to the back of the van and he scampers to retrieve it. Back and forth til my eardrums hurt from the other three dogs barking at him. Not to worry -- my eyes never leave the road and I drive well with one hand....


And lastly, a little sequence --> a nice little courtyard motel (the Shenandoah Motel in Front Royal) featuring what I believe is called "giraffe stone". My understanding is that it's flagstone that's arranged in this color pattern which resembles giraffe markings. I have mostly seen it in Missouri and never noticed til today how much of it is in Virginia. The Shenandoah also has little Streamline Moderne features.


Here's another example of this stonework -- even prettier -- at the Smyrna Presbyterian Church in Waynesboro: